Love Story

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Is Hard

Some people come into our lives
and leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never ever the same
by Flavia Weedn

Arini sesi finale all khabar angin tentang retenchment..
1 of my friend got to go..
It was so sad..when this thing happen who should I put the blame on??
marketing or management??
apa happened and put us in a very uncomfortable situation.
will i do the same thing if I running a company??
will i hurt my friends with the decision i make??
life is getting hard

the most thing i hate about retenchment is we have to say good bye to our friend

lab is so gloomy

no one ckp pasal cuti raya etc anymore

it was so de-motivated..benci!!!

i survived this round

but for the next still a big question mark for me

wat i have to do now is pray hard, de-stress and apply for as many as job i can..
hopefully a bright and wonderfull life in a near time

Ya Allah,
ku mohon rezeki dari langit Kau turunkan
rezeki dari bumi Kau keluarkan
rezeki yang jauh Kau dekatkan
rezeki yang payah Kau permudahkan

This entry is dedicated for my friend, lab-mate Mr M.R.I
dengan Aidilfitri yang semakin dekat,
Aisya yang growing up..
all seems a bit hard for you

Insya'Allah..we will pray hard for you and your family also for us also

p/s :: all pics credit to Google search

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Blog-Shop Update

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btw, color might be slightly different from pic, kindly ask me (^-^)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Sunshine

Entry yg tak berapa nak panas as that little girl pun dah almost 3 weeks..

hihi..everyone in my little family sggh that mcm2 nama nak dipanggil..

finally, in her my-kid terteralah nama 'Alyaa Huda Bte. Azari

All this while mmg tak berani nak pegang baby yang dalam hari. but with her semuanya jadi simple.'Alyaa adalah sangat sopan dan ini adalah sgt mengelirukan as family kami tidaklah sesopan itu..haha..
yang pasti raya ni die akan menjadi tumpuan as side mak a.k.a nenek 'Alyaa semua latest baby adalah boy and side ayah a.k.a atuk 'Alyaa, she's the smallest and the cutest..
hihi (*puji anak buah sendiri*)
semoga kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat menjadi milikmu
Mak Long will always love you

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy 6months

we've been together for 6months..
how fast time flies..and i love every moment in it (^-^)

unfortunately when approaching our 1st anniversary..
some mulut2 dah mula tanya about etc..

1st time people ask me about that is just after my 2nd week marriage..
dalam hati i'm wondering..adakah soalan2 ini akan ditanya setiap hari oleh mereka2 ini..
huhu...sadly, its true..

yg paling tak best..manusia yg tanya tu dont even know my real name..
wth!!! as i'm remembered..i didnt do anything like they did to me in my life..
i tak pernah pun tanya my married bff after they 1month marriage about baby etc..
why people do to me like this??

thing getting worse when people knew my sister is pregnant.. (*delivered baby gurl olredi*)..
cant they see..all this things is about KUASA ALLAH terhadap hamba-Nya??

so that, i promised myself dont give a damn about them anymore..
like Encik CintaHati said, "org akan ttp bercakap,jgn peduli semua itu, kita akan terus berusaha"..
emm..after the berusaha word, he keep laughing..hoho..apakah??? (*-*)

to people who are b*tch to others..please get a life!!! haha (*sggh emo*)

to aeshly..kita usaha bersama ya..
psst..i link your post taw..thanks..

btw, read two is better than one: # 84 why is it so great to be pregnant?
..and u'll know why i'm so emo..haha

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lawatan sambil Belajar

yeay!!! this is our 1st time we spend our weekend together as husband&wife. after got married both of us so busy with today , 4th April we decide to watch a movie and went to Muzium Negara. hehe.. currently ada exhibition about keranda dan misteri.sound a bit scary. so,seperti biasa si isteri akan mula berasa kecut..haha..mujur ada suami yang gagah berani (^-^)
after pay rm2, kitorang pun masuk la..haha..not as scary as i expected.. THANK GOD..
tp this exhibition sangat2 informative.. maaf tiada gambar lain as we need to pay another rm3 for photo shooting using any camera-based gadget (even handphone) tidak la pernah terjangkau di fikiran ada kaum di dunia yang mengkebumikan si mati di lereng bukit or maybe gunung batu kapur..orang zaman dulu sangat hebat kerana mampu buat seperti itu tanpa teknologi yang canggih.
so, in a conclusion..pergilah ke Muzium Negara sementara pameran ini masih ada..boleh juga tambah ilmu di dada.. tata (^-^) ops..mlm ni akan makan bersama2 famili saya di bagan lalang..yeay!!! this is the best weekend eva!!
p/s : dun worry pameran ni tak setakut pameran hantu dulu..serius.. tak tipu (^-^)

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Obsession

YEAY!!! i got that blog!!!!
Alhamdulillah..akhirnya dapat juga mewujudkan online bussiness blog sendiri.
Hidup akhir2 ini sangat sibuk, kerja yang tak menentu (i'm working on shift basis), my newly-married life yang sangat-sangat memerlukan perhatian (^-^) membuatkan diri ini agak keletihan. tapi takpe semuanya for a better future.
Baru ku tahu betapa sukarnya untuk menjadi manusia yang mencari rezeki dengan kudrat sendiri. Maksud saya, mereka yang bekerja sendiri adalah sangat gigih. They got what they earn. Kalau tiada rezeki pada on that particular day adalah sangat menyedihkan.
In a conclusion, semua ini saya berharap dapat menjadikan saya a better person. No more the old ME.
Insya'Allah (^-^)
p/s:: singgahlah ke blog saya ye..jemputlah (^-^)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Emo Datang Lagi

Lately ni hangin 1 badan...pastu senang sgt kecik hati..huhu..kasihan
Encik Suami,kasihan jua pada My Only Sis...

wahai Emo..pergi jauh2 ea..jgn datang lagi